02:14:41duration 2 hours 14 minutes
Cheer and Dance Complete Show 3-08-2024 (Full…
Cheer and Dance Complete Show 3-08-2024 (Full Recording)
From Rogelio Almeida
03:44duration 3 minutes 44 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (10)
01:18duration 1 minute 18 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (12)
03:54duration 3 minutes 54 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (9)
03:52duration 3 minutes 52 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (11)
03:42duration 3 minutes 42 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (8)
04:01duration 4 minutes 1 second
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (7)
04:02duration 4 minutes 2 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (5)
02:23duration 2 minutes 23 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (6)
04:19duration 4 minutes 19 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (1)
04:13duration 4 minutes 13 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (2)
03:41duration 3 minutes 41 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (4)
04:36duration 4 minutes 36 seconds
Cheer and Dance 3-08-2024 (3)
01:37:48duration 1 hour 37 minutes
Cheer and Dance Competition - 2023 Spring (Full…
Cheer and Dance Competition - 2023 Spring (Full Recording)
Public, Restricted