26:41duration 26 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Pope UCO Farewell Reception 7-17-2019
01:10:48duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Freshman Convocation Fall 2018
Freshman Convocation 2018
16:54duration 16 minutes 54 seconds
Murdaugh Hall Dedication 10-13-17
01:25:48duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Oklahoma Innocence…
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Oklahoma Innocence Project 4-11-2016
Shaken Baby Syndrome: How an un-validated medical…
49:40duration 49 minutes 40 seconds
Ms. Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army-Retired
51:57duration 51 minutes 57 seconds
Three Minute Thesis - 3-10-2016
Three Minute Thesis recorded on March 10, 2016 on…
51:12duration 51 minutes 12 seconds
The Sandwich Generation - Paul Taylor
The Sandwich Generation with Keynote Paul Taylor,…