28:11duration 28 minutes 11 seconds
CLA South Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 6-18-2019
23:29duration 23 minutes 29 seconds
Sports Performance Center - Grand Opening 9-21-18
Sports Performance Center Grand Opening
02:00:18duration 2 hours 0 minutes
Fall Forum 2018
Faculty and Staff Fall Forum 2018
17:41duration 17 minutes 41 seconds
New Dining Center Groundbreaking
UCO Celebrates new Dining Center groundbreaking.
46:24duration 46 minutes 24 seconds
Carlos Evans - Tall Oak Midstream 10-12-17
57:01duration 57 minutes 1 second
Distinguished Alumni Awards Luncheon 10-13-2017
03:57duration 3 minutes 57 seconds
UCO OIT Homecoming Video 2016
01:25:48duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Oklahoma Innocence…
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Oklahoma Innocence Project 4-11-2016
Shaken Baby Syndrome: How an un-validated medical…