Search for tag: "margaret"

Brisch Center Baroque Orchestra - Celebration and Concert

The Brisch Center for Historical Performance presents "Dr. Margaret Brisch Birthday Celebration & Concert" featuring guest artist Stefanie Heinrich, Hermann Heinrich and Andreas…

From  Bryan Mitschell 104 plays

Kuleshov Competition - Final Concert

The School of Music presents the Kuleshov Competition, featuring a series of three guest artist recitals and a showcase recital for the Competition's winner. This concert features the…

From  Bryan Mitschell 63 plays

Kuleshov Competition - Valery Kuleshov

The School of Music presents the Kuleshov Competition, featuring a series of three guest artist recitals and a showcase recital for the Competition's winner. This concert features Guest Artist…

From  Bryan Mitschell 79 plays

FACS - Brisch Center - 10 HIP Years

The School of Music presents the Faculty Artist Concert Series featuring the Brisch Center for Historical Performance performing a program entitled "10 HIP Years and Counting" at the UCO…

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 105 plays

Brisch Center for Historical Performance 10th Anniversary Concert

The School of Music and the Brisch Center for Historical Performance presents a 10th Anniversary Concert and Birthday Celebration Honoring Dr. Margaret Brisch at Radke Fine Arts Theatre, August 20th,…

From  Bryan Mitschell 53 plays