26:41duration 26 minutes 41 seconds
Dr. Pope UCO Farewell Reception 7-17-2019
28:11duration 28 minutes 11 seconds
CLA South Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 6-18-2019
36:23duration 36 minutes 23 seconds
President Betz Remarks - Spring Forum 2019
01:10:48duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Freshman Convocation Fall 2018
Freshman Convocation 2018
01:01:59duration 1 hour 1 minute
Robin Meyers, The Freedom of Expression: Teaching…
Robin Meyers, The Freedom of Expression: Teaching and Learning in Our TimeMarch 6, 2018
01:32:04duration 1 hour 32 minutes
Oklahoma Association of HPERD 10-17-17
01:19:53duration 1 hour 19 minutes
UCO Unified - Afternoon Session 5-25-2017
01:45:09duration 1 hour 45 minutes
Fall Forum 2016
UCO Fall Forum-Complete