01:38:34duration 1 hour 38 minutes
Faculty Artist Concert Series - Michael Geib -…
Faculty Artist Concert Series - Michael Geib - The Dancing Double Bass
The UCO School of Music presents the Faculty…
01:17:26duration 1 hour 17 minutes
Nicholas Cockrill - Junior Recital
School of Music Student Nicholas Cockrill…
01:01:41duration 1 hour 1 minute
Heavy Metal - Flute and Horn Choirs - 11/13/23
The School of Music Flute Choir and Horn Choir…
01:22:04duration 1 hour 22 minutes
Baylee Fitzgerald - Senior Recital
School of Music Student Baylee Fitzgerald…
00:41duration 41 seconds
BMF UCO Mattison Welcome Message
12:00duration 12 minutes 0 seconds
Winter Glow Fall 2021
58:55duration 58 minutes 55 seconds
Savannah Gordon - Junior Recital
The School of Music presents a Junior Student…
01:28:11duration 1 hour 28 minutes
Jazz Ensembles IV & III - 3/23/21
The School of Music presents the UCO Jazz…
35:33duration 35 minutes 33 seconds
CoIT 2019 - Crystal Heard 5-21-19