Search for tag: "building"

QuadCast 10/25/2024

WATCH on Instagram Show Notes... Shout out:This week there is a shout-out for… Matthew Henderson - He's a really good friend, really smart, funny, and genuinely fun to hang out with.…

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 5 plays

UCO History Panel 4-24-2024

"Being Reflective of Our History" President Emeritus George Nigh, President Emeritus Roger Webb and Patti Loughlin, moderated by President Todd G. Lamb

+20 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 0 plays

Max Chamber Library 130 Anniversary Event 4-30-2024

+31 More
From  Trey Guzman 13 plays

QuadCast 3/1/2024

Show Notes...Shout out:This week I’ve got a shoutout to Paighton Barnes for helping put together the Smash Tournament last night in the Quad Lobby. There was a big turnout. Thanks for your hard…

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 9 plays

QuadCast 2/2/2024

Show Notes...Shout out:This week I’ve got a shoutout submitted for Ethan Noble, RA of 2nd North. (Listen to the episode to hear what it is!) If you’d like to submit your own shoutout,…

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 13 plays

Security Culture and You

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

From  Amanda Keesee 32 plays

Dr. John Barthell Pollinator Garden Dedication 9-15-2023

+19 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 18 plays

QuadCast 9/8/2023

Episode Notes:Shout outs: Shoutout for "Munches" of 3rd North. And a personal shoutout to the entire 3rd West hallway! Submit your own shoutouts here! Things you need to know:Don’t…

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 21 plays

CoIT 2023 - Julio Mata - Adriana Edwards-Johnson

+19 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 12 plays

QuadCast 11/18/2022

Check out this week's QuadCast episode! There's some news about the Housing 'Dec the Halls' competition, plus the winner of Marcus' sticker collection is announced!

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 3 plays

QuadCast 11/4/2022

Check out today's QuadCast episode! 'Cause RA San says so! #QuadSquad

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 5 plays

QuadCast 9/30/2022

Stay connected! Check out today's episode for all the latest happening in the Quad.

+19 More
From  Marcus Titterington 9 plays

FACS - Piano Potpourri 2022

The School of Music presents the Faculty Artist Concert Series featuring Piano Division Faculty performing a program entitled "Piano Potpourri" at the UCO Jazz Lab.

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 42 plays

Necie Cobb - Junior Recital

The School of Music presents a Junior Student Recital featuring Necie Cobb, soprano, in the Radke Fine Arts Theatre.

From  Bryan Mitschell 45 plays

Symphony Orchestra - 4/1/21

The School of Music presents the Symphony Orchestra in concert with special guest Artist In Residence Valery Kuleshov, piano, at the Nigh University Center Ballrooms.

From  Bryan Mitschell 61 plays

UCO CO-OP Esports & Gaming - Grand Opening 9-23-2020

+22 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 32 plays

MCS - Virtual Portable Technology Demo

College of Math & Computer Science - MCS, FSI, STEM & HOH (Portable Solution)

+23 More
From  Amanda Keesee 27 plays

CLA South Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 6-18-2019

From  Rogelio Almeida 12 plays

New Dining Center - Bausher Place 4-17-2019

From  Rogelio Almeida 200 plays

STEM Grand Opening 11-14-18

Donald Betz STEM Research and Learning Center

From  Rogelio Almeida 147 plays

Freshman Convocation Fall 2018

Freshman Convocation 2018

+83 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 21 plays

Fall Forum 2018

Faculty and Staff Fall Forum 2018

From  Rogelio Almeida 67 plays

New Dining Center Groundbreaking

UCO Celebrates new Dining Center groundbreaking.

+60 More
From  Julio Mata 96 plays

Murdaugh Hall Dedication 10-13-17

+64 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 32 plays