Search for tag: "human behavior"

Rick Tepker, J.D The Freedom of Expression: Teaching and Learning in Our Time March 5, 2018

From  Rogelio Almeida 22 plays

Oklahoma Association of HPERD 10-17-17

From  Rogelio Almeida 21 plays

Freshman Convocation Fall 2016

2016 Freshman Convocation

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From  Rogelio Almeida 81 plays

US Army Staff Sgt. Travis Mills - Distinguished Speaker Series 4-12-2016

US. Army Staff Sgt. Travis Mills, a recalibrated warrior, actor, author, and advocate for veterans and amputees, suffered critical injuries caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) during his…

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From  Rogelio Almeida 36 plays

Ms. Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch

Lieutenant Colonel, US Army-Retired

+135 More
From  Julio Mata 36 plays