Search for tag: "john"

Dr. John Barthell Pollinator Garden Dedication 9-15-2023

+19 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 18 plays

Spring 2023 - Jackson College of Graduate Studies

7 p.m. Friday, May 12: JCGS

+33 More
From  Julio Mata 8 plays

FACS - The Return of the Non-Genues!

The Return of the Non-Genues! Barbara DeMaio,…

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 42 plays

Student Vocal Recital - Robby Ray

School of Music Student Robby Ray presents a…

From  Bryan Mitschell 63 plays

Collaborative Piano Recital - 12/3/22

The School of Music presents a Collaborative…

From  Bryan Mitschell 57 plays

Dave Bowen - Senior Recital

School of Music Student Dave Bowen (drums)…

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 33 plays

Symphonic Band - Cornerstones

The School of Music presents the UCO Symphonic…

From  Bryan Mitschell 42 plays

Tahlon Brahic - Junior Recital

School of Music Student Tahlon Brahic presents a…

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 26 plays

Jazz Ensembles - 11/1/21

The School of Music presents the UCO Jazz…

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 65 plays

Maura McMurray - Musical Theatre Recital

The School of Music presents a Musical Theatre…

+34 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 213 plays

Junior Recital - Logan From

The School of Music presents a Junior Recital…

+29 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 51 plays

Hansel And Gretel - Lollipop Cast - March 2021

The School of Music and UCO Opera present a…

+19 More
From  Bryan Mitschell 47 plays

Wind Ensembles - 3/9/21

The School of Music presents the UCO Wind…

From  Bryan Mitschell 47 plays

Dr. John Barthell Farewell Reception - 02/25/20

The farewell reception for Provost John Barthell,…

+3 More
From  Andrea McCoy 16 plays

Black Male Summit 2019 - Dr. Raphael Moffett (3-27-2019)

Black Male Summit 2019

From  Rogelio Almeida 12 plays

Mr. Ken Ham, The Freedom of Expression: Teaching and Learning in Our Time

+90 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 66 plays

UCO Unified - Morning Session 5-25-2017

+96 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 45 plays

Dean Washington Retirement Reception 5-08-17

UCO Heritage Room

From  Rogelio Almeida 21 plays


John Fritch

From  Julio Mata 5 plays


John Fritch

From  Julio Mata 6 plays


John Fritch

From  Julio Mata 2 plays


John Fritch

From  Julio Mata 3 plays


John Fritch

From  Julio Mata 0 plays


John Fritch

From  Julio Mata 1 plays