Search for tag: "knowledge"


+18 More
From  vsales2 vsales2 5 plays

COMPA Conference - Zoom Webinar Recording - Fall 2023

+20 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 1 plays

Overview: Cyberattacks

What is ransomware – or phishing? And what does it have to do with my data? And my organization’s security? But above all: How can I protect myself? The “Overview…

From  Amanda Keesee 62 plays

Student Vocal Recital - Robby Ray

School of Music Student Robby Ray presents a Junior Vocal Recital at Radke Fine Arts Theatre January 23rd, 2023

From  Bryan Mitschell 62 plays

Chamber Orchestra - A Picturesque Evening

The School of Music presents the Chamber Orchestra in concert at Mitchell Hall Theatre performing a program entitled: "A Picturesque Evening"

From  Bryan Mitschell 31 plays

New Faculty Lecture Series: Dr. Vanessa Bentley

Dr. Vanessa Bentley: Feminist Research Practices In Cognitive Neuroscience Looking at common research practices in the neuroimaging of sex/gender differences in two cases, the structure of the corpus…

+20 More
From  William Andrews 30 plays

Sherman Chaddlesone Arts and Letters Lecture: Dr. heather ahtone, senior curator of the First Americans Museum

The Sherman Chaddlesone Arts and Letters Lecture Series, featuring Dr. heather ahtone, senior curator of the First Americans Museum was held virtually in 2020. Dr. ahtone's address took place…

+25 More
From  William Andrews 43 plays

Black Male Summit 2018 - Lunch and Awards (3-28-2018)

+46 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 15 plays

Dr. David Evans, The Freedom of Expression: Teaching and Learning in Our TimeMarch 6, 2018

From  Rogelio Almeida 9 plays

Carlos Evans - Tall Oak Midstream 10-12-17

+101 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 39 plays

UCO Unified - Morning Session 5-25-2017

+96 More
From  Rogelio Almeida 45 plays