22:17duration 22 minutes 17 seconds
Black Male Summit 2019 - Scholarship Awards…
Black Male Summit 2019 - Scholarship Awards (3-27-2019)
56:37duration 56 minutes 37 seconds
Rick Tepker, J.D The Freedom of Expression:…
Rick Tepker, J.D The Freedom of Expression: Teaching and Learning in Our Time March 5, 2018
01:19:53duration 1 hour 19 minutes
UCO Unified - Afternoon Session 5-25-2017
01:25:48duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Oklahoma Innocence…
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Oklahoma Innocence Project 4-11-2016
Shaken Baby Syndrome: How an un-validated medical…
49:40duration 49 minutes 40 seconds
Ms. Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army-Retired