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QuadCast 9/8/2023Episode Notes:Shout outs: Shoutout for "Munches" of 3rd North. And a personal shoutout to the entire 3rd West hallway! Submit your own shoutouts here! Things you need to know:Don’t…
From Marcus Titterington
21 plays
QuadCast 4/28/2023Episode Notes:Shout outs: Today’s shoutout submitted is for Myranda Buck of 1st East! Submit your shoutout here! Things you need to know:You’ve already received an email about closing,…
From Marcus Titterington
6 plays
QuadCast 12/2/2022Episode NotesShout outs: A shoutout to the 3rd East hallway. They received their free pizza party last night for winning the Dec the Halls Spooky edition in October. We’ll see who wins the…
From Marcus Titterington
1 plays
QuadCast 11/18/2022Check out this week's QuadCast episode! There's some news about the Housing 'Dec the Halls' competition, plus the winner of Marcus' sticker collection is announced!
From Marcus Titterington
3 plays
QuadCast 9/30/2022Stay connected! Check out today's episode for all the latest happening in the Quad.
From Marcus Titterington
9 plays
QuadCast 9/23/2022Show Notes:Things you need to know:Life update…. Marcus got engaged! Hammocks -We’ll be putting up hammocks in the Courtyard for you to use now that the weather is nicer. Moving carts -…
From Marcus Titterington
21 plays